Public BBQ

The park features a well-equipped playground that includes swings, slides, and various other play equipment, making it a delightful spot for children. Additionally, it offers a basketball court, a narrow cricket pitch, and a jogging track, catering to both sports enthusiasts and casual visitors. Facilities include undercover barbecue areas and plenty of seating, which enhances the comfort of family gatherings. A water tap and drinking fountain are conveniently available. However, the park currently lacks adequate shade and the uneven ground on the cricket pitch may pose some challenges for players. The area is generally quiet and pleasant, though safety concerns have been raised regarding small huts within the park where incidents of fire setting have occurred.


66 Barber Dr, Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029, Australia
View on Google Maps

Nearby Features

  Tennis court
  Picnic tables
  Shaded area
  Basketball court

BBQ Photos
Did you find a slightly different spot? Or got photo from a different angle? Upload it and help out the next public BBQ enthusiast!


66 Barber Dr, Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029, Australia
View on Google Maps

Nearby Features

  Tennis court
  Picnic tables
  Shaded area
  Basketball court

Suggestions? Feedback?

Generally No! The BBQs are first come, first serve. However, if you plan on having a larger event then please check with the local council.

Come prepared with the right essentials, and you'll enjoy a fun day of barbecuing in CAMBRIDGE RESERVE PLAYGROUND. For more information, check out our What to Bring to a Public BBQ guide.

Aussie public BBQs are simple to use. Majority of sites listed on this website are gas or electric BBQs. Simply press the button and it will turn on for a set amount of time (10-20 minutes).

We do also list wood fired BBQs on this site, so check the above descriptions and photos to be prepared.

Check out our How To Use Public BBQ Guide for further information.

Did you turn it on properly? Check out our How to Use Public BBQ guide.

If you are convinced that the BBQ has issues, then contact the local council and let them know it's faulty.

You should first check with your local council about the rules and restrictions.

Generally, it is permissible to utilize your own gas BBQ, provided it remains under continuous supervision. However, the usage of Charcoal BBQ's is typically restricted, with the exception of parks equipped with designated charcoal disposal bins.

Check out our guide on Portable BBQs in Aussie Parks and Beaches for more information.